Leftists are for the public interest but…


Leftists are for the

public interest but…


Leftists are for the public interest but, communists are for the working-class interest.


No communist has interest separate and apart from the working class.


Leftists are not communist and communists are not leftist.


Leftists are for capturing the state power but, communists are for vanishing capitalism along with its all weapons including state.


Leftists are reactionary but, communists are revolutionary.


Leftists are for reforming the defunct states but, communists are for vanishing the state by abolishing the capitalist property.


Leftists are for philosophy or ideology but, communists are for science for a scientific society by ending all ideologies.


Leftists are for politics - the supreme policy of all evil policies but, communists are for ending the politics to end evils.


Communists are for ending the wage slavery but, Leftists are for wage slavery.


Communists are for ending the exploitation but, Leftists are not against exploitation by ending wage slavery by the wage slaves.


Leftists are for rule of men by men but, communists are for ending the rule of men by men.


Leftists are for discrimination among the human being but, communists are ending the discrimination.


Leftists are for killing but, communists are for ending  killing by ending the capitalist property- the cause of killing in capitalism.


Leftists are for punishment but, communists are for ending the crime and punishment.


Leftists are for rule of law but, communists are for ending the law, made by the exploiters.


Leftists are for sexual identity but, communists are for ending such political identity of human being.


Shah Alam




Information Centre For Workers Freedom



Mobile: + 880- 1715-345006.




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