Capitalism in India has introduced by the East India Company, and still the India is under the capitalist system, ruled by the IMF, WB, UN etc.

Modern communication system including Railway in India has introduced by the East India Company for easy and quick circulation of capital and still the most modern communication system of India is working for the same interest.

Supreme court of the India has founded by the East India company, 1760, to protect the capitalist interest by protecting the private property and still the judiciary of India is working for the capitalist interest by protecting the capitalist private property.

Bureaucracy in India has established by the East India Company Government for the best functionary of the government to manage the capitalist system , and still the bureaucracy of India is doing the same job for the capitalist interest by serving the capitalist system. Modern education system of India has introduced by the British India Government to produce human tools for the capitalist system, and still the modern eduction system of India is working for the same purpose.

Legal system including penal code, civil code, law of evidence, law of contact, law of registration, etc has introduced by the colonial government of India to protect the capitalist interest by protecting the private property lawfully, and still the legal system of India is working for the same aim.

Police regulation along with police force of India has introduced by the colonial government to help and enforce the rule of law to maintain the capitalist discipline to serve the capitalist interest by protecting the private property, and still the policing of India with the same police regulation is working for the same purpose.

Even still the same practice of the Indian police force to treat the arrested person as an animal is existing.

Medical school and college in India has established by the both France East India Company and colonial Indian Government to serve the capitalist interest by providing the medical service, and still the developed medical service of India is working to serve the capitalist interest, even some private medical service centre of India is working as most modern factory to produce money and maximize the profit to increase the volume of capital.

The effect of ever biggest capitalist crisis of capitalist system is the 2nd world and thereby the result of 2nd world war foundation of some global syndicates including UN. WB, IMF etc to rule the capitalist system globally by ending the colonial policy -the integral part of capitalist development globally by creating so many state new states to protect the moribund capitalism by confusing, and dividing the workers of the world to control and overpowering them so strongly and so easily by the the executives of the new states but by the same oppressive and repressive weapons and instruments of capitalist class including state, political party etc. India was the founding member of the IMF, 1945, and still the India is the member of the IMF- the controller of the world economy, founded by the winners of the 2nd world war including Leninist boss J.Stalin to serve the capitalist interest globally.

Currently, India have a constitution with elected government to serve the capitalist interest by managing the capitalist system to protect the moribund capitalism by different political parties by claiming that the India is a sovereign and independent state.

How funny! In spite of that is the India an independent state along with so many things introduced by the both colonial British East India company and France East India companies and the colonial Governments of India along with colonial rules, regulations, traditions, customs, even ' yes sir' culture ?

Moreover, no state have independent capacity even to earn to expand by fixing and determining the tax and tariff policies independently under the rule of the IMF.

Therefore, states are defunct under the rule of the IMF-the mightiest economical syndicate of the world thereby democracy is dead.

But, the politicians of India has been claiming that the India is world biggest democratic country.

Is it funny or mockery or well organized political propaganda but totally lie and false?

Shah Alam

Dhaka-23 March, 2016.




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