The historical May day
The historical May day
The historical May day is the day of only working class to celebrate it to take more and more steps gradually to fight against capitalist class to vanish the capitalist society to vanish the wage slavery-the cause of miseries of working class to end the miseries of wage slaves of the world.
But, there is no working class party to unite the workers of the world to fight against capitalist class to vanish it by fighting against wage slavery to vanish the wage slavery by the united global but forceful actions of working class by a most modern scientific society- the communist society.
Therefore, so many capitalist organizations including state, political party, trade union, ILO etc & etc has been celebrating the May day- a historical day to win the 8hours working day by the historic fight of the revolutionary working class.
Noted, ILO Conventions are not for the interest of working class to fight against capitalist class by fighting against wage slavery to vanish the wage slavery by a communist revolution by working class alone.
Rather, ILO Conventions are for peaceful co-existence of capitalist class and working class to increase the production and productivity to increase the volume of capital by exploiting the wage slaves.
Moreover, states are defunct under the rule of the IMF but no state is free from serving the capitalist interest by oppressing and overpowering the wage slaves, but such states has determined as a middle man to conciliate the disputes between the capitalist class and working class.
Therefore, no organization is working to serve the working class interest if it is not against the ILO and its Conventions. But, not only Leninist parties but also more or less all trade unions of different countries including Bangladesh are for ILO convention.
On the other hand May day is a historical day for wage slaves of the world to celebrate it to take required steps to fight against all capitalist organizations including IOL to fight against the capitalist class to fight against wage slavery to vanish it for the emancipation of working class by vanishing the capitalist class.
Therefore, celebration of the historical May day by all such organizations those are not against the all capitalist organizations including ILO is nothing but a heinous and bad effort to chained the wage slaves by rules, conventions etc of capitalist organizations including IMF, ILO etc & etc. Sure, working class will celebrate the historical May day to fight against all such capitalist organizations including the trade unions for ILO Conventions.
Shah Alam
Dhaka-01, May, 2015.
The capitalist class is not only the exploiter of working class, but also an expert highjacker to celebrate the very special events of working class to protect the capitalist class by confusing and chaining the workers by so many false, bogus but fabricated emotional political propaganda to love their respective country, nation etc to save workers to save industry, to save the nation and national economy to develop the their respective country by peaceful co-existing with capitalist class by maintaining the peaceful environment of the work place to increase the productivity of workers to get more wage by increasing the rate of production of commodities to increase the volume of capital as a patriot and a champion soldiers of democracy by considering that the class weapons of capitalist including state, political party, ideologies etc and capitalist class it-self are the friends, guides, saviors, protectors and judges of the working class to ensure and justify their so-called ‘fair wage’ and rights of workers on basis of even ILO Conventions to live a good life as worker under the capitalist system. How funny!
Undoubtedly, the capitalist system that is the selling and buying system is the cause of all miseries of the sellers of labour power of the world by paying wage to produce the commodity for the buyers of labour power of the world to produce capital and thereby, capitalists are exploiter and the wage slaves are exploited thus, there is an antagonism among the sellers and buyers of labour power of the world by the condition of production of commodity by wage slaves to accumulate capital.
So, there is no scope to maintain a peaceful environment at work place, thus, there is no scope for a peaceful co-existence of both the capitalist class and working class, by the condition of commodity.
Thereby, there is class struggle to reduce the wage slavery to vanish it by vanishing the selling and buying system by vanishing the private ownership of means of production, transportation and communication to vanish the capitalist class for the emancipation of the working class by their united global but forceful action that is a communist revolution-the ever biggest global events of the world but imposed by the capitalist class by the existing conditions of capital it-self as : (1) Reproduction; And ( 2) Circulation.
Undoubtedly, the historical May day is the one of very special marking day of working class to celebrate it as it’s a one of the historical day in the history of class struggle to decrease the daily working hours by limiting it 8 hours to get some sorts of time to do others including required rest to maintain the existing condition of health to work not only for the commodity production but also to unite the workers of the world to fight against capitalist system to vanish the exploiters by the revolutionary working class by the revolutionary workers of the Hea Market, USA, 1886.
Therefore, except working class no one have interest or benefit by celebrating thus historical May day to take required steps to unite the workers of the world to fight against wage slavery to vanish it , if he have no ill motive to use the such important day to disturb and hampered the class struggle of working class by confusing and dividing the workers of the world by so many nonsense but effective political propaganda by using the day with the various functions to serve the capitalist interest to protect the capitalist system to protect the exploiter capitalist class- a class of corrupts, frauds, cheats and liars.
Thereby, the cheat and corrupt capitalist class has highjacked the very special but so important day of working class –the May day by celebrating it in various way and by different class weapons of capitalist class including state, ILO etc by spreading the above mentioned political propaganda of capitalist bosses.
The ILO is not national but a global organization of capitalist class to serve the capitalist interest globally since its birth to work to maintain the peaceful existence of capitalist and working class by maintaining the peaceful conditions of working place by the peaceful bargaining by the both exploiter and exploited classes by the so-called neutral role of the state to do the same by the basis of the Conventions of ILO by creating the false impression to the workers that the state is a neutral organization to serve all, and the capitalist class is necessary to live. But, the history of state is not the same but the state has created by the private property holders to serve the interest of the ruling class by oppressing and overpowering the oppressed and slaves. And, not working class but the exploiter capitalist class not exist without wage slaves, because, not capitalist but the working class is the producer of capital, thereby working class have no need any capitalist to live rather, disappearing of the capitalist class is the condition of not only the betterment of lives of workers but the condition of liberty and freedom of all of the world to do anything freely including love and union as the member of a free but scientific society- a society of loving and caring human being with full sense of humanity.
No doubt, capitalist class is the ruling class and the working class-the product of capitalist class is wage slave in this class divided capitalist society- a global society.
Therefore, workers have no nation and country but they have a world to win by defeating the capitalist class for the emancipation by the vanishing of the private ownership of the means of production, transportation and communication by the commune/common/social ownership of the means of production, transportation and communication to produce all required but most modern necessities by all able bodied of the world for all of the world.
Undoubtedly, working class will do the same by uniting them by boycotting all such functions by the bosses of highjacker capitalist class by rejecting all nonsense political ideologies including Leninism-the corruption of science of socialism, discovered by Marx.
Shah Alam
Dhaka-02, May, 2015
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