There is poor because, there is rich


There is poor because, there is rich


There is poor because, there is rich

There is poor because, there is rich.

There is misery because,  there is rich.

There is crime because, there is rich.

There is unfairness because, there is rich.

There is corruption because, there is rich.

There is killing because, there is rich.

There is rape because, there is rich.

There is violence  because, there is rich.

There is war because, there is rich.

There is exploitation because, there is rich.

There is wage slavery because, there is rich.

There is classes because, there is rich.

There is discrimination because, there is rich.

There are ideologies because, there is rich.

There is ignorance because, there is rich.

There is superstition because, there is rich.

There is ill mentality and meanness because, there is rich.

There is ill health because, there is rich.

There is class rule because, there is rich.

There are weapons to kill because, there is rich.

There are instruments to torture because, there is rich.

There is politics to overpowering others because, there is rich.

There is state to ruled because, there is rich.

There are global syndicates to serve the exploiters because, there is rich.

There is rich because, there is private property.

But, if there is no private property, there is no such nonsense thus, there is no poor and rich so, everyone is equally equal thereby, all are free to do anything including love and union in communism - a society with common ownership of means of production.


Shah Alam



Information Centre For Workers Freedom


Mob: 880- 1715-345006.








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