No Left is for communism


No Left is for communism

Not supporting but working for ending the rule of men by men is the job of a liberty hungry and freedom lover.


Leftists are for rule of men by men.


Not repairing but, replacing the exploitative and class divided capitalism is the job of the revolutionary working class for its emancipation.


Leftist parties are working to repair the moribund capitalist society to protect it from its fall by the working class alone by practicing the politics of state capitalism. Therefore, no left party is against wage slavery to end it to vanish capital by abolishing capitalist property by the communist revolution. So, no left party is revolutionary party. Sure, all left parties are reformist party.


No reformist is a revolutionary. No revolutionary is a leftist. Leftists are reformist. So, no leftist is revolutionary. Thus, no leftist is communist.


Leftism is the left branch of the poisonous capitalist tree.

No left is for replacing capitalism by communism by the communist revolution by the working class alone.


No left is for ending the ruling system to end the rule of men by men for the liberty and freedom of everyone of the world.

No left is for ending the political system to end politics - the supreme policy of all evil policies to justify the rule of men by men for the liberty and freedom of all.


No left is for ending crime and punishment by vanishing capitalist property- the cause of all crimes in capitalism for a crimeless life of everyone by winning communism.


No left is against violence to end it to end exploitation of men by men by vanishing selling and buying system by vanishing commodity by vanishing capital by abolishing capitalist property by the working class alone for communism- a fair and peaceful society.


No left is for ending war- a cool headed planned and organized killing, rape, destruction, arson, etc by placing the arms in the museum of history by vanishing the arms forces by vanishing the political boundary by vanishing state and its all helping organizations by abolishing capitalist property by the communist revolution by the working class alone for communism - a society of uninterrupted peace.


No left is for ending the division, disparity and discrimination among the human being by abolishing capitalist property - the cause of all existing division, disparity and discrimination among the mankind for communism- a most modern society based on social property with a single one and undivided mankind along with full sense of humanity - a fellow feeling of everyone for the whole human being.


No left is for ending ideology, philosophy, creed etc by vanishing classes by abolishing capitalist property by the working class alone for communism- a scientific society of equals where every able bodied will work best for the all of the society and thereby, everyone will take all necessities according to his need from the social fund.


So, no left is for communism.


Shah Alam


Information Centre for Worker  Freedom


Mobile: 880-1715-345006

















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