Capitalist society has sprouted from the ruins of feudal society- a nature dependent ,agro-based, local but so poor economy based on private property.


Capitalist society is an industrial society with a rich economy by using nature and natural resources by the subjection of  nature to the men.


Capitalist society is a modern society.


Capitalist society is a global society of numerous commodities .


Capitalist society is a society with a  world market, based on selling and buying.


Capitalist society is a society of uneven competition, contest and conflict.


Capitalist society is a society of universal character of production to accumulate capital.


Capitalist society is a society of wage slavery.


Capitalist society along with an exploited class- the working class – the producer of capital- the unpaid labor.


Capitalist society is based on capitalist property.


Capitalist society is a society of cosmopolitan character to production and consumption in every country.


Capitalist society is a society of universal inter-dependence of nations from every direction.


Capitalist society is a society along with a modern education system.


Capitalist society is a society of world literature.


Capitalist society is an exploitative and class divided society.


Capitalist society is a society of division, disparity  and discrimination among the human being.


Capitalist society is the last and final  exploitative and class divided society.


Capitalist society is the foundation of communism- a classless and exploitation free society of uninterrupted peace.


Capitalist society is a society where no one is human being with full sense of humanity.


Capitalist society is a society where no one is safe and secure.


Capitalist society is a society where no one is free from tension, anxiety, depression, insanity etc.


Capitalist society is a society of want of peace.


Capitalist society is a brutal and heinous society.


Capitalist society is a dirty, cruel, heinous  and so worst  society.


Capitalist society of a society of fear, fright,horror,anxiety, anarchy etc nonsense.


Capitalist society is a society along with a exploiter ruling class- the capitalist class.


Capitalist society is a society with 2 antagonistic classes those are standing face to face- the exploiter capitalist class and the working class.


Capitalist society is a society with a huge number of parasitic.


Capitalist society is a society huge chains.


Capitalist society is a society of  class rule.


Capitalist society is not a society of liberty and freedom.


Capitalist society is an unfair and unjustified society because, the producer of capital is the working class but capital or capitalist property is belonging  to the exploiter capitalist class.


Capitalist society is a corrupt society.


Capitalist society is a society of violence.


Capitalist society is a society of killing and  rape.


Capitalist society is a society of theft, robbery, hijacking, plundering etc.


Capitalist society is a society of crime and punishment but its producing crime.


Capitalist society is a society of lie, cheating, forgery, betray, mistrust, violation of agreement etc nonsense.


Capitalist society is not a child friendly society.


Capitalist society is not a friendly society for workers- the product of the capitalist class.


Capitalist society is not a friendly society of lovers.


Capitalist society is a friendly society of capitalist exploiters and oppressors.


Capitalist society is a society of huge social organizations including family – the lowest unity of society for protecting the  rulers to rule for protecting capitalist property by the inheritances.


Capitalist society is the creator of all required conditions for the disappearance of capitalist society by the existence conditions of capital and the existing conditions of capitalist class.


Capitalist society is a self-contradictory society.


Capitalist society is a modern society but its not totally against old and reactionary concepts, ideas, politics etc based on private property for ending all such rubbish of dustbin of history.


Capitalist society is the producer of scientific instruments but capitalism it-self is an unscientific society.


Capitalist society is a society of politics- the supreme policy of all evil policies.


Capitalist society is a society of huge political organizations including state- the strongest of oppressive machine of the exploiter ruling classes.


Capitalist society is a society of numerous NGO’s to serve the parasitic and narrow interest of the capitalist class.


Capitalist society is a society of some global organizations including IMF- the controller of the world economy.


Capitalist society is not poor but there is  poverty and poor in capitalism.


Capitalist society is too narrow to comprise its products.


Capitalist society is a society of recession- the out come of overproduction by the existence conditions of capital.


Capitalist society is a society of exploitation, killing, rape, plundering, theft, robbery, etc nonsense.


Capitalist society is a society of certainty of uncertainty.


Capitalist society is a society of war and war prone.


Capitalist society is a society with most modern armed force along with mass destruction weapons.


Capitalist society is a society of class contradiction, class conflict and class struggle.


Capitalist society is a class divided society.


Capitalist society is not a  friendly society of friends.


Capitalist society is not a humanitarian society.


Capitalist society is a society of wage slavery.


Capitalist society is a society of selling and buying.


Capitalist society is neither local nor national but a global society.


Capitalist society is rooted  on private property.


Capitalist society was a historical necessity but its totally an illogical and unjustified society.


Capitalist society is in moribund condition by the repeated recession – the unavoidable but inevitable disease of capitalism by the existence conditions of capital and the existing conditions of the reactionary capitalist class.  


Capitalist society will fall and disappear  by following the previous exploitative and class divided societies by the terms and condition of the same code of society for change.


Shah Alam

Member: Information Centre for Workers Freedom


mobile: +88001715345006





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