Wage slave: The producer of commodity.
Wage slave: The producer of capital.
Wage slave: The product of the capitalist class.
Wage slave: A seller of labor power to produce commodity to accumulate capital.
Wage slave: Industrial worker, factory worker, transport worker, shopping mal worker, shops and restaurant worker, construction worker, health worker, agriculture worker, and workers of all service sectors those are selling their labor power by receiving wage for producing commodity for accumulating capital-the unpaid labor.
Wage slave: All professionals including scientist, doctor, engineer, teacher, journalist, singer, actor, director, writer, player etc those are selling their labor power to the buyers by receiving wage for producing commodity to accumulate capital.
Wage slave: The exploited by the buyer of labor power to produce commodity to accumulate capital.
Wage slave: The exploited and oppressed class.
Wage slave: Not slave but chained by wage slavery.
Wage slave: The sufferer of miseries and hardship.
Wage slave: The producer of capital but the capitalist properties are belonging to the exploiter capitalist class.
Wage slave: The member of exploited and oppressed class but standing face to face of the exploiter and oppressor capitalist class.
Wage slave: The member of the revolutionary working class with an antagonistic relation by birth condition of capital.
Wage slave: The grave digger of the exploiter capitalist class.
Wage slave: The actor to vanish wage slavery.
Wage slave: The actor to win socialism- a scientific society of equals and free from wage slavery and wage slave.
Wage slave: Standing face to face of the capitalist- the exploiter of wage slaves with an antagonistic relation by birth condition of capital.
Wage slave: The member of only and alone communist revolutionary working class.
Wage slave: The member of the working class – a communist revolutionary class who will emancipate it by emancipation the whole society by abolishing capitalist property by the communist revolution- the culmination of contradiction of the exploiter capitalist class and the exploited working class but the ever biggest, ever important and ever impacted event of the world.
Wage slave: The only and alone hope for the best future of the whole human being.
Shah Alam
Information Centre for Workers Freedom Dhaka-13/12/2023
Mobile: +8801715345006 Website:www.icwfreedom.org YouTub:https://youtube.com/@EMANCIPATIONWorkers Blog:https://www.blogger.com/blog/posts/8765969704988639346
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