Was Ambedkar free from slavery of capital for ending caste system?


Was Ambedkar free from slavery of capital for ending caste system?


Was Ambedkar free from slavery of capital? No.


Was he against wage slavery to end it to end exploitation of men by men to end class and caste? No.


Was he against private property - the cause of class and cast to vanish the private property to vanish both class and caste? No.


Was he not a disciple of Buddha- a religious philosopher but the  product of the Indian slavery society? Sure.


Did he not serve the capitalist interest by holding the various important post of the Government of India?

Certainly sure.


Is not the constitution of India an undemocratic, communal, and capitalist constitution what was the product of political servants of the capitalist interest along with him? Yes.


Is not the constitution of India is preserving and protecting the caste system by protecting the term schedule cast in the constitution of India? Sure.


Is the constitution of India for vanishing caste system by abolishing private property – the producer of caste system , in the slavery society of India? No.


Is it possible to end and vanish caste system by supporting and defending the constitution of India what he also not only support and depend but also one of key makers of it? No.


Is a political servant of the capitalist interest for ending class and cast? No. But Mr. Ambedkar has tried to confuse and mislead the lower caste of India that he was for ending caste system.


 Have there any record of proof that he was for abolishing selling and buying to vanish class and caste? No.


Was he not a man of double standard by serving the interest of the capitalist class - the exploiter but ruling class of capitalism- a global society of numerous commodities with a world market based on selling and buying, rooted on private property and the capitalist class is the protector of caste but claiming his political view is against caste to end it? Sure.


Is not the slavery society a society of past which will never revive and restore but he stand for a political idea of the slavery society therefore, was he not a so reactionary man by try to roll back the wheel of history? Certainly sure.


Was he for communism - a scientific society of equals, won by the working class by replacing capitalism for ending both class and caste? Very bad.


Shah Alam

Member: Information Centre for Workers Freedom


mobile: +88001715345006






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