Rape will Disappear
A law made by the brutal rulers of the brutal slavery society for death sentence for rape but yet rape is committing but why? There is capital punishment for rape but there is rape thereby, its not a proof that even death sentence is not effective to stop rape ? Sure. Even feudal society- the historical consequence of slavery society is not existing but yet the political concept of the dirty rulers of the brutal slavery society is existing in capitalism too.Its very bad. The rulers were against rape but why? An intact or uninjured vagina was necessary for the husband of a wife - a claimed sexual object but a reproductive machine of the said husband - the owner of wife to produce the legitimate inheritance for protecting private property of the property holders therefore, the rulers has tried to produce a virgin girl and a sati woman for the husbands by restricting sexual activities by law - a rule made by the rulers. The same rulers has identified and divided the mankind by male and female by claimed sexual parts by denying and losing the identity of mankind and thereby, women - a f****** doll of men which is totally false and bogus but a political concept by making men as lady hunter for using as sex object. Therefore, identifying a human being as a girl or woman is one of the main reasons for rape. However, rulers of the slavery society was against for protecting private property- a legal but totally unfair and unjustified object- the cause of all evil things including rape- a forceful or illegal sexual activity by a man with a girl or lady but husbands are allowed to use their wives without caring the consent of their wives. But, ancient society was free from private property thus, there was no division among the human being therefore, there was no man or woman but all were human thus, there was reproduction but all were free for having sex so, the word rape was unknown term in ancient society. So, cause of rape is private/ capitalist property but rape will be a unknown term in communism- a humanitarian society a single one and undivided human being, free from capitalist property. So, not punishment even killing but abolition of capitalist property is the condition for ending rape. Noted, some nasty and cruel rulers of the slavery society has kidnaped or arrested so many girls and women for using them for sex and among them some rulers had 5 to 8 thousands captive ladies in their palaces but they were not identified as rapist. Very bad.
Shah Alam
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