

1.Emancipation is an unavoidable condition to live a lovely life with liberty and freedom. 2.Capitalism is a global society, based on wage slavery, but rooted on unjustified private property, ruled by the capitalist class, currently exercising the politics of capitalist globalization. The whole society is confined by the huge chains, originated from the private property, introduced by the exploiter ruling class since the slavery society. 3.Capitalist class is not for the emancipation for its parasitic interest by ending rule of men by men by vanishing exploitation. 4.Working-class is the producer of the capital but not owner. 5.The outcome of contradiction of the capitalist class and working class is a new society free from capital. So, replacement of capitalism by communism is inevitable. 6.Working-class will win its emancipation by emancipating the whole society. 7.“Emancipation” is a forum of the working class to discuss the concern views. Interested and agreed are welcome.

Rape will Disappear

  A law made by the brutal rulers of the brutal slavery society for death sentence for rape but yet rape is committing but why? There is capital punishment for rape but there is rape thereby, its not a proof that even death sentence is not effective to stop rape ? Sure. Even feudal society- the historical consequence of slavery society is not existing but yet the political concept of the dirty rulers of the brutal slavery society is existing in capitalism too.Its very bad. The rulers were against rape but why? An intact or uninjured vagina was necessary for the husband of a wife - a claimed sexual object but a reproductive machine of the said husband - the owner of wife to produce the legitimate inheritance for protecting private property of the property holders therefore, the rulers has tried to produce a virgin girl and a sati woman for the husbands by restricting sexual activities by law - a rule made by the rulers. The same rulers has identified and divided the mankind by ma...


  NO POLITICAL PARTY IS COMMUNIST PARTY… > No political party is against division, disparity and discrimination among the human being to end these. > No political party is against wage slavery to end it to end exploitation of men by men. > No political party is against politics to end it to end all evil policies. > No political party is against state to vanish it to free the mankind from chaining men by men to end oppression of men by men. > No political party is against wage slavery to end it to end the exploitation of capitalist class. > No political party is against selling and buying to end it for ending the capitalist system to end all kinds of sufferings. > No political party is against the political borders of the world to vanish these to free the whole human being. > No political party is against capitalist property to abolish it for the emancipation. > No political party is against law and judiciary to vanish these for the liberty and freedom of ...


  #SO_LENIN_WAS_NOT_A_COMMUNIST ... > Was Lenin against wage slavery to end it for communism? No. So, Lenin was not a communist. > Was Lenin against employment system to end it for communism? No. So, Lenin was not a communist. > Was Lenin against commodity production system to end it for communism? No. So, Lenin was not a communist. > Was Lenin against selling and buying to end it for communism? No. So, Lenin was not a communist. > Was Lenin against capital to end it for communism? No. So, Lenin was not a communist. > Was Lenin against exploitation of men by men to end it for communism? No. So, Lenin was not a communist. > Was Lenin against capitalist property to end it for communism? No. So, Lenin was not a communist. > Was Lenin against capitalism to end it for communism? No. So, Lenin was not a communist. > Was Lenin against rule of men by men to end it for communism? No. So, Lenin was not a communist. > Was Lenin against division among the human...

The reactionary Capitalist class as a whole is passing its time with extreme fear and anxiety

  The reactionary Capitalist class as a whole is passing its time with extreme fear and anxiety The reactionary Capitalist class as a whole is passing its time with extreme fear and anxiety to exist from its fall- the final destination of it by the working class by the communist revolution, imposed by the exploiter capitalist class by the effect of repeated recession- a non-curable but unavoidable disease of capitalism by the existing conditions of capital and the existence conditions of capitalist class. So, the extreme violent rulers of moribund capitalism are not only creating various global organizations including IMF - the controller of the world economy to avoid recession to avoid war to avoid communist revolution but they have been producing a huge amount of so harmful and so dangerous arms and explosives along with most modern drones with a highly skilled armed force to kill and destroy. But, all effort of the reactionary capitalist class to avoid recession is faile...

Leftists are for the public interest but…

  Leftists are for the public interest but…   Leftists are for the public interest but, communists are for the working-class interest.   No communist has interest separate and apart from the working class.   Leftists are not communist and communists are not leftist.   Leftists are for capturing the state power but, communists are for vanishing capitalism along with its all weapons including state.   Leftists are reactionary but, communists are revolutionary.   Leftists are for reforming the defunct states but, communists are for vanishing the state by abolishing the capitalist property.   Leftists are for philosophy or ideology but, communists are for science for a scientific society by ending all ideologies.   Leftists are for politics - the supreme policy of all evil policies but, communists are for ending the politics to end evils.   Communists are for ending the wage slavery but, Leftists are f...