He who have no interest separate and apart from the working class is a communist.


He who is against wage slavery to end it is a communist.


He who is against capitalist property to abolish it is a communist.


He who is against capitalism to vanish it is a communist.


He who is against class and class rule to vanish these is a communist.


He who is against politics to end it is a communist.


He who is against all political organizations including state to vanish all these is a communist.


He who is against all unscientific concepts, ideas, views etc to end all these is a communist.


He who is against all kinds of division and discrimination among the human being to end these is a communist.


He who is against all political boundaries of the world to abolish these is a communist.


He who is against all customs and cultures, introduced by the exploiter classes to vanish these is a communist.


He who is against all kinds of crime and punishment to vanish these is a communist.


He who is against laws made by the rulers to end these is a communist.


He who is against exploitation of men by men to end it is a communist.


He who is against the rule of men by men to end it is a communist.


He who is against servility to end it is a communist.


He who is against war to end it for uninterrupted peace is communist.


He who is against violence, ferocity, wildness, cruelty, brutality etc to end all these is a communist.


He who is against competition, contest, conflict etc among the human being to end these is a communist.


He who is against sexism to end it is a communist.


He who is against any kind of political identity along with sex of anyone to end it is a communist.


He who is against all types of chain to chain mem by men to vanish all these for liberty and freedom for every one is a communist.


He who is for communism - the replacement of capitalism is a communist.


He who is for communism- a scientific society of equals is a communist.


He who is for communism- a most modern society, based on social property is a communist.


He who is for communism- a society free from exploitation of men by men is a communist.


He who is for communism- a classless society is a communist.


He who is for communism - a society free from the rule of men by men is a communist.


He who is for communism- a stateless society is a communist.


He who is for communism- a most developed society, free from law and judiciary.


He who is for communism- a highly civilized society, free from crime and punishment.


He who is for communism - a scientific society free from mythology, ideology, philosophy etc is a communist.


He who is for communism - a scientific society free from politics and political organization is a communist.


He who is for communism- a most productive society, free from commodity, selling and buying is a communist.


He who is for communism where all able bodied are worker but no one is wage slave is a communist.


He who is for communism where every one will take all necessities according to his need from the social fund is a communist.


He who is for communism - the out come of the contradiction of the capitalist class and the working class is a communist.


He who is for communism- a society of prosperity, free from capital, wage slavery, poverty etc is a communist.


He who is for communism- the final destination of capitalism is a communist.


He who is for communism - the result of communist revolution by the working class alone is a communist.


He who is for communism - a society of liberty and freedom of everyone of the whole mankind is a communist.


He who is for communism- a most modern society, free from private property is a communist.


He who is for communism- a humanitarian society, free from family- the basic unit of the exploitative societies is a communist.


He who is for communism - a scientific society but individual is the basic unit of it is a communist.


He who is for communism - a society of a single one and undivided mankind with full sense of humanity - the fellow felling of every one for all of the whole human being is a communist.


He who is for communism- a scientific society of liberty and freedom of everyone to do any thing freely is a communist.


He who is for communism- a friendly and lovely society is a communist.


He who is for communism- a global society but free from political border is a communist.


He who is for communism- a highly developed society with sophisticated instruments and technology for producing all required social products for all of the society by the lowering hardship of work and reducing the risk in work place is a communist.


He who is for communism- a lovely society, free fron division, disparity and discrimination among the human being is a communist.


He who is for communism- a humanitarian society, free from political identity of anyone of the human being is a communist.


He who is for communism - a society of a mankind with really an identity of a real man is a communist.


He who is for communism - a scientific society, free from sexual identity - a political identity is a communist.


He who is for communism- a highly developed society of uninterrupted peace is a communist.


He who is for communism, won by the working class by the communist revolution by the existence conditions of capital- the unpaid labor : (1) Reproduction ; and (2) Circulation but imposed by the reactionary capitalist class by its existing condition : Constant revolutionizing the instruments of production is a communist.


He who is for communism- a scientific society, free from lie, unscientific ideas and concepts and views against science is a communist.


He who is for communism- a scientific society, free from all customs, traditions, rules, cultures etc introduced by the rulers - the political servant of the exploiter ruling classes is a communist.


He who is for communism - a lovely society for love for love for a lovely life of every one of the mankind is a communist.


He who is for communism - a healthy society of all healthy and ever green persons with joy and pleasure is a communist.


He who is for communism - a friendly and lovely society, based on cooperation of everybody is a communist.


He who is for communism - a scientific society wth a scientific, most modern and highly developed information system for all of the society to know all required information to realize anything so easily by using minimum time to work best for the best of whole society is a communist.


He who is for communism- a scientific society of lovely and friendly members with a world association of all of the world by the all and for the all of the world for coordination and communication all social products and information for all of the world but every one can hold and contest in any post of the said association but all are under re- call system is a communist.


He who is for communism- a scientific society of equals is working to win nature to use it best for the best welfare of all of the society to live a lovely and green life by enjoying life to live a meaningful life by defying death by every one of the whole mankind by rejecting all unscientific habits including diet, dress etc but accepting and practicing all scientific policies to live a best life by working best for the best society is communist.


He who is for communism - the replacement of capitalism- a global society of numerous commodities with a world market, based on selling and buying but, rooted on private property- a legal but totally illogical, unfair and unjustified objects- the cause of all evil things by the communist revolution by the working class- the producer of capital- the unpaid labor - the action of labor power bud 1 of the 2 elements of a commodity therefore, he who is working to unite the workers of the world for the communist revolution - the ever biggest, ever important and ever impacted event of the world for abolishing capitalist property for reducing and vanishing all dirty rubbish and ugly system created by the exploiter ruling classes for a clean and clear but most modern society is a COMMUNIST.


Shah Alam


Information Centre for Worker  Freedom


Mobile: 880-1715-345006







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