Marx , Capital, Politics etc

Marx , Capital, Politics etc

✅Not politician but the producer of capital is the working class.

✅Not people but the producer of capital is the exploited working class.

✅Not nation but the producer of capital is the working class.

✅Not peasants but the producer of capital is the working class.

✅Not traders or shop keepers but the producer of capital is the working class.

✅Not capitalists but the producer of capital is the working class.

✳️Capital= Unpaid labor. So, working class is the producer of capital.

✳️Not goods but the commodities are buy and saleable. Goods have use value but a commodity have both use and exchange value.

🔴No politician is against capital to vanish it by abolishing capitalist property but, some politicians are claiming that they are for socialism which is totally lie.

🔴Politicians are for rule of men by men to oppress the exploited thus, no politician is for communism- a scientific society, free from both exploitation   and the rule of men by men.

🔴Politicians are for hunting and eating revenue - a part of surplus- value, produce by the working class.

🔴Politicians are for serving the parasitic interest of the exploiter classes by managing and protecting the exploitative social system.

🔴Politicians are the political servant of the exploiter classes for managing the exploitative system.

🔴Politicians are not free from lie about politics- the supreme policy of all evil policies by claiming it as the best policy for the best for the so- called people by hiding the facts of politics.

✅The end of politics, politician, political organization etc is the condition for the emancipation.

✅Communism- the replacement of capitalism is free from both politics and politician.

✳️Ancient society was free from politics and politician therefore, there was no exploitation, no oppression, no lie, no crime, no punishment, no division and discrimination among the mankind. Communism is free from all such evil things but ancient society and communism are not same.

Have there any organization to unite the workers of the world to fight against the exploiter capitalist class to vanish it by abolishing capitalist property by the communist revolution by the working class alone for the emancipation by communism- a scientific society, free from commodity, selling and buying, wage slavery, exploitation, capital, class and class rule and thereby, communism is free from politics and political organization? No.

➡️Was communist Marx a politician? No. But, Lenin was a professional politician.

➡️Was communist Marx a member of any political party? No. But, you the disciples of liar Lenin are the member and leader of various political party. So, not you the Leninist but Marx was a communist.

➡️Was Marx an ideologist? No. But, you the Leninists are ideologist. So, not you but Marx was a communist.

➡️Was Marx a philosopher? No. But, you the Leninists? Sure, you the Leninists are for philosophy. So, not you but Marx was a communist.

➡️Communism is a scientific society, free from politics, ideology, philosophy etc. Thus, communists are scientist. So, Communist Marx was a scientist.

➡️Communism is not a fruit of dream of any so- called great man but its the outcome of contradiction of the exploiter capitalist class and the exploited working class.

*  Not only possible but communism is inevitable and unavoidable by the existence condition of capital and the existing conditions of the capitalist class, won by the working class by the communist revolution – the culmination of contradiction of the capitalist class and the working class.

*  So, fall of capitalism and emergence of communism -the final destination of capitalism is equally same.


Shah Alam



Information Centre For Workers Freedom


Mob: 880- 1715-345006.












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